Antonio Caputo - 2010

Gianni Moneta - 1984

Heinz von Cramer - 2000

Herbert Pagani - 1976

Lothar Fischer - 2010

Paolo Rizzi - 1990

Pubblio Dal Soglio - 1987

Toni Kienlechner - 1984

Toni Kienlechner - 1986

Toni Kienlechner - 1988

Testimonianze visitatori - 1990

Testimonianze visitatori - 1991

Lothar Fischer wrote about him in 2010


After World War II as a young child the artist fled with his mother from Leitmeritz in Bohemia. In Bavaria he found a new home. Working first as an architect in Munich, he soon became more interested in art. His first exhibition in Berlin took place in the European Academy.

From that time, Heinz Watzke – later adopted by his principal and now well known as Heinz Duell -visited Berlin, staying also in the town for a long time for intensive studies from the nude. But his great love belonged to Italy. He esteemed the period of Renaissance in the first place, admiring Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. In his large fantastic drawings you find Duell`s deep relationship to the sacral room and the architecture of the Baroque. He was not a modern artist in the 20th century sense. Cubism or abstract painting did not find his interest.

At the center of his creative work was always the human body and the landscape. An old country-house near Viterbo became his world. A friendly host with a great sense of humour he was surrounded by a large group of friends. Very surprising came the message of his sudden death. I am sure that the memory of his fabulous personality and his creative production will last in the future.
Berlin, July 2010